Crt D Implant Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

CRT-D is an implantable cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) defibrillator for patients with heart failure. The device monitors the heart's rhythm, detects irregularities, and corrects them with electrical impulses.
The Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy procedure involves a small incision, approximately 2 inches, in the upper chest. Three leads (thin insulated wires) will be guided through a vein and into the heart and the doctor will connect the leads to the implanted heart device, test the device, and program the settings.
The right doctor to consult for CRT- D Implant (Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy) is a Cardiac Surgeon.
The usual success rate of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy varies between 68-72%.

Treatments related to Crt D Implant Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Turkey

  • CRT- D (MRI Non-Compatible) Start from USD 4875
  • CRT- D (MRI Compatible) Start from USD 7150