The process of treating any disease by suppressing or activating the immune system of the body is called immunotherapy or biological therapy. these therapies are designed to amplify or elicit any immune response to achieve a particular result. the use of natural animal and plant substances is the reason why it is called biological or natural therapy as well.
when the body's immune system is no longer able to sustain or fight with the infection or the cancer cells, then we have to induce immunity cells to the body so that it can overcome the side effects and function better. Immunotherapy can be given intravenous, orally, topically, and intravesical. it helps in developing better immunity against cancer cells.
There is no such immunotherapy specialist, medical oncologist only provide the treatment of immunotherapy.
There are not much of research and data about the immunotherapy outcomes, however, it has proven to be beneficial in treating cancers of breast, prostate, and colon along with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.